SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications | |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems | |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | |
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | |
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems | |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems | |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | |
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | |
IEEE Access | |
Mathematical Reviews (AMS) | |
Intl. J. of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation (DeGruyter) | |
Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier) | |
Engineering Applications of AI (Elsevier) | |
Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier) | |
Applied Numerical Mathematics (Elsevier) | |
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (Elsevier) | |
Comptes Rendus Me ́canique (Elsevier) | |
Annals of Operations Research (Springer) | |
Optimization and Engineering (Springer) | |
Neural Computing and Applications (Springer) | |
Mathematical Programming SERIES A and B (Springer) | |
Applied Intelligence (Springer) | |
Sadhana (Springer) | |
PeerJ Computer Science | |
International Journal of Systems Science (T&F) | |
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (T&F) | |
IETE Journal of Research (T&F) | |
IETE Technical Review (T&F) | |
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (IOS Press) | |
ANTS 2021: Intl. Conf. on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems | |
SocProS 2020: International Conference on Soft Comp. for Problem Solving | |
COINS 2019: International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems | |
Dissertations and Proposals Reviewer | |
Dissertation from IISc Bangalore | |
Dissertation from IIT Kanpur | |
Dissertation from IIT Roorkee | |
Dissertation from IIT Hyderabad | |
Dissertation from CSIR-CEERI | |
Proposals from National AI Hub at IIT Kharagpur | |
Proposals from Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) | |
Proposals from Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute |